How To File a Complaint
How To File A Complaint
The Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners is authorized to receive complaints against a PLPC, LPC, PLMFT and LMFT. Complaints must include the complainant’s contact information. Anonymous complaints are not accepted unless there is documentation that is provided with the complaint that clearly presents a violation of law. Otherwise, a witness is required to pursue the complaint.
When a complaint is received the board’s administrator first determines if the Respondent falls under the board’s jurisdiction. The Respondent in a complaint is defined as the applicant or licensee who was made the subject of a complaint and that person’s legal counsel, if represented. Second, it is determined if the allegations, if proven true, constitute a violation of the Practice Act or Board Rules. Allegations that do not constitute a violation are not subject to the board’s authority. An example of something not within the board’s authority is a wage dispute between an employee and an employer that is a licensee. Another example is a judge’s ruling on a custody case or a complaint against a family member that is not providing you with mental health counseling services.
A complaint should include details such as what happened, when it happened, and witnesses that can be contacted, if necessary. Documents that support the complaint should be provided to the board office for review by the Disciplinary Committee. If the complaint is accepted, the Counselor or Therapist will be notified in writing, and a copy of the complaint will be provided if requested with personal information redacted from the complaint. The complaint process is confidential and not subject to public record requests.
Board members assigned to make findings of fact and conclusions of law will not and may not participate in the investigation. Only members of the Board’s Disciplinary Committee will participate in the investigative process. No board member shall communicate with a licensee involved in an investigation or any person working on behalf of the Counselor, legal counsel, complainant, witness, or potential witness. If any of these parties attempt to contact a board member, the board member shall promptly refer the matter to the board’s administrator and/or the board’s legal counsel. This restriction conforms with R.S. 49:960(A) and is not intended to restrict those routine communications which are in no way related to a case under active investigation or adjudication.