Scope of Practice
Supervision of Provisional Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists is a specialty area and requires privileging review. Supervision not provided by an LMFT-approved Supervisor or an LMFT-registered Supervisor Candidate as determined by the advisory committee will not be counted toward licensure.
- The applicant for registration as a LMFT registered supervisor candidate must submit to the board a formal application and a plan of supervision-of-supervision in accordance with advisory committee policy:
- includes documentation of a minimum of two years of experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist;
- either documents that he or she has met the coursework and interactional requirement specified in Clause D.3.a.i. (below) or proposes how this requirement shall be met;
“The registered supervisor candidate’s supervision-of-supervision must include: i. a minimum of two MFT students or PLMFTs supervised for a minimum of nine months each; ii. at least 90 hours of supervision of approved supervisees. These 90 hours of supervision must be completed in no less than one year and no more three years with the oversight of his or her designated board-approved supervisor.” - includes the name of the LMFT-approved supervisor who will be supervising his or her supervision of PLMFTs and the approximate dates such supervision will begin and end.
- The advisory committee will review the application and inform the individual in writing that the proposed supervision of supervision arrangement either has been approved or rejected. Any rejection letter will outline the reasons for rejection.
- The registered supervisor candidate who has successfully completed his or her plan of supervision-of supervision must make formal application in accordance with advisory committee policy to be considered for certification as a board-approved supervisor.
- Final approval of the approved supervisor candidate’s supervised work experience toward certification as an approved supervisor shall be at the discretion of the advisory committee and only upon recommendation of the candidate’s board-approved supervisor(s).